1-888-COPSCOP / 1-888-267-7267
Mental Health & Substance Use Screening

Mental Health & Substance Use Screening Instruments

The following screening instruments are used in many physicians’ and therapists’ offices to assess mental health or substance use.  These instruments may also be used by an individual to complete privately to consider whether they may be experiencing a mental health or substance use problem and whether they want to be evaluated by a professional.  For each item, there is a link that you can use to print the screening instrument so that you can answer questions privately and confidentially and calculate your score.  If you decide to seek professional assessment, you may bring copies of your answers to the assessment visit.

Caution: Please note that these instruments are only screening tools and the proper way to be assessed is with a mental health professional. Such screening instruments are never a substitute for a good professional evaluation.

If you are experiencing difficulties with anxiety, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, or substance use, please call a mental health professional. If you need assistance in finding a professional, please call POPPA at 1-888-COPSCOP (888-267-7267).

Click on a link below to open the list and description of screening instruments:



PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)

Alcohol and Substance Use